Sexual crimes against women have been running for ages and increasing daily. Not a place has been left where women are fully protected. Women are now just a piece of meat, to be fed by the lust-starving men. Let's see what exactly sexual violence is.

What is Sexual Violence?

➡ "Any unusual attempt of making sexual comments, unwanted physical touching or acts by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any place i.e., home, school, workplace, etc. to gain sexual intercourse, either by use of force or coercion."

➡ "Forcing victims to watch pornography, demanding sexual favors, and physical touching of sexual nature."

➡"Verbally abusing by using sexual words that make victims uncomfortable."

Is Sexual violence have boundaries?

Women in all countries, irrespective of status, class, age, caste, or religion, experience violence in virtually all spheres of life, it doesn't have any boundaries, whether in the home, the school, at work, on the street, in government institutions, or in times of conflict or crisis. Violence is also present throughout the lifetime of a woman, affecting girls and older women too.

Is Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault different?

Both terms are included in Sexual violence but are a bit different. Yes, Sexual harassment differs from sexual Assault. 

Sexual Violence that doesn't involve physical contact is defined as sexual harassment. Such as Verbal abuse by making comments of sexual nature.

While that includes physical contact is defined as sexual assault.

How many "Forms of Sexual Violence" existed?

Women are always discriminated against and are considered inferior to men. That's why men take women as their personal property and many forms of violence were implemented against them:

  • Deliberate touching or patting and gazing with lustful eyes.
  • Sexual comments, and jokes about appearance.
  • Demanding Sexual contact by blackmailing or threatening (of physical harm of not obtaining a job or being fired, etc.)
  • Honor-killings.
  • Domestic violence (Offense committed by intimate partners or family members.)
  • Child force marriages.
  • Genital mutilation (Partial or complete removal of the external genitalia, usually performed as rituals running in ignorant families)  
  • Forced Nudity.
  • Forced Abortions.
  • Incest (having sexual relations with family members or close relatives.)
  • Rape (Marital or gang rape)
  • Sexual violence can also be done while the victim is intoxicated, drugged, or asleep.

Types of Sexual Harassment

There are two types of sexual harassment: "quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment."

Quid pro quo: 

Quid pro quo is a Latin term that means something for something (This for That). This type of harassment is, generally, committed by the person in authority over another. It involves expressed or implied demands for sexual favors in exchange for some benefit (e.g., a promotion or pay increase) or to avoid some detriment (e.g., termination, or demotion).


It would be a supervisor threatening to fire an employee if the victim does not fulfill the sexual demands of the supervisor.

Hostile work environment:

Hostile work environment harassment arises when speech or conduct is so severe and pervasive it that creates an intimidating or demeaning environment or situation that negatively affects a person's job performance.

Unlike quid pro quo harassment, this type of harassment can be done by anyone in the work environment, including a peer, supervisor, subordinate, vendor, customer, or contractor. It does not require a loss or threat of loss of a job or promise to benefit.


It includes inappropriate touching, sexual jokes or comments, repeated requests for dates and sexual favors, or other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which interfere with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating offensive, abusive, or poisoned work environment.


Any unusual attempt of making sexual comments, unwanted physical touching, or acts by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any place i.e., home, school, workplace, etc. to gain sexual intercourse, either by use of force or coercion.

Not a place has been left where women are fully protected. Irrespective of status, class, age, caste, or religion, experience violence in virtually all spheres of life, it doesn't have any boundaries, whether in the home, the school, or at work.

Sexual Violence that doesn't involve physical contact is defined as sexual harassment while that includes physical contact is defined as sexual assault.

Many forms of violence were implemented against the women such as touching or patting, demanding sexual favors by blackmailing, physical touching, unusual sexual movements or acts, verbal or non-verbal abuse, forced nudity, forced marriages or forced abortions, incest, rape, etc.

There are two types of sexual harassment: "quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment." 

Quid pro quo, a Latin term, meaning "this for that" i.e., demanding sexual favors over some promotion, job, etc.

Hostile work environment harassment arises when speech or conduct is so severe and pervasive it that creates an intimidating or demeaning environment or situation that negatively affects a person's job performance i.e., repeated touching, sexual jokes, etc.

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