Hope; Where Are You?
Dreaming about getting the perfect
job, living the best life, and purchasing the hell you want is much as exciting
as a baby getting its favorite toy. Reality is far more challenging than
dreaming when people see their dreams getting crushed. They see themselves as not
achieving their goal by a point five-mark (0.5) difference. When they give so many
competitive tests yet not selected; when they can’t make out in the interview. When
they have a job but couldn’t complete their house needs. They become annoyed. They
hoped for better but couldn’t achieve better but worse and now they are depressed!
They decided not to do anything and let anxiety and bad thoughts overcome them from
everywhere that even a little light of hope get disappears by not getting what they
want that means the world to them and stop trying as rejection becomes their
fate. They know from inside that they are the most suitable person to do this
particular job. But they blame their luck and everything that they think could cause
a hindrance to their goal. A point comes in their life where they accept their
failure and start questioning themselves if they are pathetic losers or a
disappointment to their parents and sometimes suicidal thoughts cross their
minds. They question their existence that why they were made that way. Remember
“Allah never burdens a soul beyond it can bear” (Quran 2:286)
Complications are 98% of our life. Even
if there is not, we take help from our dear overthinking brain to make it more
challenging. It’s in our hands to bring every situation from 2X to 100X level
in a good way or in a bad way. It’s human nature. It all starts in the brain
and ends in the brain. We feel what we think. Think positive and everything
around us will be positive. Hope is every time with us. We just need to give it
a spark, a belief that is built from inside. Even when we think that we are on
the verge of losing hope, we have to believe in ourselves, our skills, our hard
work, and also Allah Almighty. Our journey would be easier and would be able to
tackle the situation more appropriately. And ‘surely’
your Lord will give so much to you that you
will be pleased. (Quran 93:6)